Saturday, September 18, 2010

What is this!?

This is the story of a lovely lady who has major gall stone problems regardless of the surgery that removed her gall bladder. A lady who loves meat and cheese. A lady who's husband is threatening to lose so much weight that he can't go outside when it is windy. A lady who has two small children who she also has to feed. A lady who lives in the state of beef. A lady with only a $400/month grocery budget. A lady who doesn't want to be in pain anymore, doesn't want to call her sister at 2am to take her to the hospital and doesn't want to be starving to death every single day because she doesn't know how to eat correctly.

According to my doctor, no diet change is necessary after gallbladder surgery and there is no way that I am still having gallstones if it has been removed. My explosive diarrhea, constant nausea, stomach cramps and gallstone attacks beg to differ. I looked on line and while most articles I found do agree with me, there has never been a cookbook written that I can find that talks about eating for gall health. Sure, low fat MIGHT work, but it might not. So I am going all the way, all the way to crazy loony, granola world.

I am concerned about:
1. My husband wasting away
2. My son never eating again
3. My budget
4. Having to go to Whole Foods for all the ingredients (see #3)
5. Not having any flavor in my life

The plan is to blog about the recipes I am using every day and rating them from terrible to tasty. Let the great vegan experiment begin!!

1 comment:

  1. When I had my gallbladder out, it was really touch and go on what I could and couldn't eat for the first three months or so. Low-fat helped, as did avoiding spicy and acidic foods.

    As for budget and Whole Foods concerns, check Sprouts! Also: farmer's markets.
