Sunday, September 19, 2010

Green Shake

My big issue with eating in general, and vegan eating in particular is breakfast. I am at a loss as to what in the world I am supposed to eat for breakfast without keeling over in hunger. Plus in the morning I usually feel sick at the thought of food so I skip it a lot. However, since giving up coffee last week, I have been less than satisfied with the air I had been consuming for breakfast.

So, I decided this day would be different. I would try a green shake. It was the easiest recipe evah.

1 hand full of spinach
1 hand full of frozen strawberries
1 hand full of frozen mangos
1 splash of orange juice
1 banana

It was a bit heavy on the banana, I might cut back or add more fruit next time. I could double this recipe so I wouldn't have to wake my sleeping family every morning, just every other morning. You can't taste the spinach at all, but it makes the shake look pretty and adds a punch of vitamins. It has a really good consistency, not icy at all and my hubby said it tasted like ice cream was added! Win!

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